К. C.G. Jung in his work addressed the topic of primary energies and based on the energy balance of primary energies in a person built his personality typology. This is due to the fact that our body and psyche have been “familiar” with the elements since ancient times, and man was created from the same elements. According to Jung, earth energy is associated with support, a sense of security, stability and self-confidence. Water energy is associated with sensuality, flexibility and emotional expression. Air energy manifests through intellect, logic and reason. Fire energy is responsible for will, action and the ability to change. Working with the elements, Victoria conceptualizes the theme of “Introduction to the Body” through her vision of symbols that help discover the most powerful resources. Research has shown that people have a need for different strengths, which metaphorically manifest as earth energy, water energy, air energy or fire energy. When a person does not accept a part of themselves, the inner balance between emotions and mind, between body and spirit, is disturbed. Translating this metaphor to the psyche, it has been shown that there is a clear correspondence between the elements, our needs and problems, and we intuitively look for this energy outside, try to compensate for it with various activities or create a certain environment around us.
When I created this image, I wanted to show how inner blocks: physical pain, emotions, thoughts and beliefs affect our perception of what is going on around us. When a person has no “resource”, everything around them seems lifeless and empty. The power of thought — desire — energy can help to “move mountains”. What gives us the motivation to move? An inner core and self-knowledge. My legs are my backbone — my strength for recovery. In my case it is physical activity, walking, socializing, self-discipline and self-organization.
The image of air is associated with life, curiosity, striving and knowledge. Air is movement. The “lack of air” in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic was especially pronounced. The inner resource that air symbolizes is curiosity. Willingness to learn about the world. Without air there is no movement, only death.
Water is the source of life, the origin of life. Calm, peacefulness, lulling, acceptance, fluidity (flexibility). Water is a transmitter of information, an intuitive human resource directly related to relaxation. But there is another side — storm, non-acceptance, exile. Resistance or acceptance? To irritate or to calm down? To surrender to the elements and go with the flow, or to go against the flow? Only we can provide the answers to these questions. To enjoy the storm, you must be able to be still.
Fire has been known to us since antiquity not only as a life-sustaining force, but also as a symbol of purification, knowledge, and support. Our ancestors understood very well that the natural element of fire can also be murderous, destructive, all-consuming. We find echoes of this in expressions such as “stirring up conflict, ” “stirring up enmity, ” “pouring oil on the fire. The notions of power, capture, and subjugation are key here.
This symbol can also appear in the case of self-restrained anger, aggression towards any situation. The “flame” in the soul of one provokes the ignition of a flame in the soul of the other.
Ultimately, these boundary concepts become one when we talk about the flame of passion and love. You want to dive headfirst into this abyss and maelstrom, into this fire… It is very difficult to keep a cold mind when the emotions are overwhelming.